Sunday 29 May 2011

Healthy Life

Mengkuang Dam

Early of morning wake up with a nightmare that i had been rob and my car tires also stolen by them...But this not spoil my mood for today because we are planning go Mengkuang Dam today. I feel that very tired when run and walk at there, after that we go eat "dim sum", then go home sleep until now wake up and online blogging.Hehe...This is my simple life and hope hat it can always be like that.
At Mengkuang, I found that everyone has their step and timing. We hard to find a partner that has same timing with you but we sure can meet them at the final destination. Maybe somebody will slow down the timing and step to wait you but you also have to walk by yourself. Life is yours and you have to create your life and no matter who will pass around you, you also have to live with yourself.

Secret between Cocktail and Latte

Hawaii Fruit Cocktail
A cup of Latte
My life is full of rushing and when i just can stop it?By the way, this is one of the the moment that i enjoy it because time can help me releases my stress on work. 
I'm agree that happiness is depends on yourself and some time we just have a simple gathering that have a cup of coffee or tea already can change you whole day mood. 
Beside, hope my friend can always happy and when moody please call me out, i will
treat you drinks again.... ^_^

Friday 27 May 2011


刚刚看了一部戏,戏里头有一句对白:A 说:“那样东西对她来讲有那么可爱吗?有必要非要找回它吗?” B 说:“不是的,只是那东西属于她,一旦成为她的东西,她都‘爱’包括你!”
我很喜欢他对她的赞美,因为我相信会有那么的一个人, 她会无条件的付出她的爱,虽然她懂,她收回的永远抵不过她的付出。。。有时她会觉得很无奈的,但是,还是会继续下去,没办法啊!她就是这样。。。

Wednesday 25 May 2011


橡樹的綠葉啊 白色的竹籬笆
好想告訴我的她 這裡像幅畫

去年的聖誕卡 鏡子裡的鬍渣
畫面開始沒有她 我還在裝傻
說好為我泡花茶 學習擺刀叉
守著電話 卻等不到她*



最近, 我爱上了这首歌, 发现它很有意识………
“三思后做了的决定, 就不要后悔所得到的结果, 因为你已经三思了,还有到了那个时候,

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Don't know...不懂。。。


What a wonderful day, but don't know why my mood still same? Really hope that can holiday again and forget all the thing. But i can't run away from reality, i really don't know how to be a good department head. Department head really very stress and manage people is hard than manage my goods, somebody can help me? Answer is "NO", so i must help myself and train to be more strong and strong.....haha...this is what I'm thinking of. Hope that i can handler all of this and get a better achievement soon....^_^

Recently just bought my new laptop, planning with my friend that we can go to Starbucks online and having a cup of coffee, reading at there or chit chat with her, is an enjoyable time for me also..Be alone and can observe the people in Starbucks, writing my blog and enjoy the time that i have....That's why my new blog is born at here lo, what I'm try to do is plan my future life and try to be happy by myself. I can't control that when my soul mate will come to me, but i can plan my future without "him" from now because this is not under my control.